A Sssh-uper Sponsored Silence

Question: How do you keep 20 boisterous boys quiet for an hour?

Answer: Sponsor them to stay silent!

As part of their community badge work, the fantastic 1st East Linton Cub Pack – all aged between 8 and 10 – recently completed a super-human challenge: a 45 minute sponsored silence which raised over £1,200 for ECHC!

The boys took on a series of fun games and tasks, all done in complete silence! The played chair football (improvising with hand claps and floor stamps to gain their team’s attention), devised a chinese whispers style drawing game, and completed 15 super-fast tasks in 15 minutes.

A huge thank you to the whole 1st East Linton Cub Pack and their leaders Donal (Akela), Morgan (Bagheera) and Ed (Baloo)!

We were so impressed with the kind-hearted cub pack who completed their tasks in complete silence. Their family and friends were super supportive too, helping to raise a whopping £1220.80!

Donal O’Sullivan, Cub Leader

Fancy taking on your own fundraising challenge this year? Why not get in touch and let us know.