The Power of Play

Being in hospital isn't child's play

Nowhere is play more important for a child than in hospital. Play is familiar and reassuring. It helps children to make sense of their treatment, distracts them from scary procedures, and gives them a way to express themselves when words just aren’t enough.     

We urgently need to raise £5,000 before the end of April to help children be children, even though they’re in hospital.

£19.17 could pay for a day’s worth of art and craft materials on the ward, allowing kids to be kids, even for just half an hour.

£38.40 could allow a baby to explore their senses using a portable sensory trolley at their bedside, distracting them from procedures even if they are too unwell to leave their bed.

£69.20 could go towards lots of brand new toys in the emergency department, meaning that regular trips can be less frightening, no matter what time of day or night.

Without you, children wouldn’t have access to the toys, games and distractions that help them through worrying and sometimes painful hospital visits.

Being in hospital isn’t child’s play, but you can make it that little bit easier. Please donate to our Power of Play Appeal today.

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Have a Play Date

You’re never too old to have fun! Just like it does for children, play at any age builds brains, reinforces relationships and relieves stress.

Get your kids, colleagues, friends or family together for a Play Date like no other.

Click below to sign up today and get ready to play!